Liebster Award!

Thank you to the lovely and amazing Reut of Sweet Archive for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I must apologise for taking rather a long time to accept and complete but I hope I’ll be forgiven.

Reut runs a fantastic, sugary blog dedicated to films, music, Bowie and all things fab and interesting. Just today for example I read a brilliant post on the finest Tarantino female characters – brilliant! Check it out HERE


Here are my answers to Reut’s questions:

1. What is the funniest thing that happened to you? (ever!) Goodness knows. I really don’t know!

2. How did you come up with your blog’s name? emmakwall is a take on my real name and the ‘explains it all’ is stolen from old kid’s TV show Clarissa.

3. Who is your favorite actor and actress? Brad Pitt is probably my favourite actor. I like Juliette Lewis, Emily Mortimer and Olivia Coleman as well.

4. Who is your favorite singer/ band? Sam Cooke. Forever and ever baby!

5. If you got stuck on a deserted island, what 2 things would you rather have with you? A big bed and a television.

6. Of all the posts you wrote until now, which one is your least favorite and why? Great question! Would definitely be one of my earlier posts – poor formatting and such. For actual bad writing probably my film wrap up for 2014. I never really liked that much. It was a rush job and I think it showed.

7. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and 999 (with Michael Burke!)

8. What is your favorite word? Fuck? Haha, no I really like the word eponymous and I try to use it whenever I can, I just like the way it sounds.

9. If you had the chance to have dinner with 3 famous people, who would you choose? Will Smith, Mark Wahlberg and Eminem.

10. What do you like most about your country? I love the fact it’s easy for me to travel. I’ve visited many beautiful European cities and I don’t need a visa or much money to do it!  Copenhagen and Venice have been my favourite cities so far. Amsterdam I loved but not so much for cultural reasons… I also love British shops, television – particularly our comedy, films, the ‘stiff upper lip’, our countryside, the Harry Potter studio tour….and of course, the food. I love the UK to be honest!

11. What inspires you? Music, kindness and Carry On films My 11 nominations:

By Hook or By Book

Cinema Parrot Disco


Vinnie H

Damian Thomas Films Etc

The Film Fetishist

Cici’s Rant

Justine’s Movie Blog

The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger

The Vern’s Video Vortex

Movie Reviews 101

My 11 questions:

  1. What is your favourite film soundtrack?
  2. Are you technology savvy?
  3. Tell me something you’ve very proud of.
  4. Favourite animal?
  5. Favourite website if you HAD to choose just one?
  6. Favourite eye colour?
  7. Do you watch The Inbetweeners?
  8. Favourite holiday?
  9. What is your favourite book?
  10. What do you enjoy most about writing?
  11. Do you ever hash tag? #liebsteraward

About emmakwall

Films, books, soundtracks, good humour
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151 Responses to Liebster Award!

  1. vinnieh says:

    Here’s a thank you present from me to you for all your lovely comments and appreciation. Hope it gives you a laugh and maybe something else.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: My Fourth Liebster Award | vinnieh

  3. I honestly think that one day you’re just gonna explode in a massive ball of loveliness!

    But… I will have to push you on question one, Paxman style. COME ON!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmakwall says:

      Oh Damian…I’m blushing!! You are bloody lovely!!!! We’ll both explode together!!!


      Hahaha! That cracked me up, you’re so clever. I’m all flustered now Damian Paxman! I have no idea what to say….arghhhhh!

      “anyone from WordPress?”

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes! Maybe if we both explode our loveliness will spread across the world and stop all war and stuff.

        Maybe Damin Paxman could be the answer to question 1!

        Hahaha! It took me a fair few seconds to get that one!

        Liked by 1 person

        • emmakwall says:

          I couldn’t think of anything more clever to write than “WordPress” I know it didn’t TECHNICALLY work….but glad you still got it 🙂 🙂

          Damian Paxman is my answer to everything!!!!!!!

          You are very lovely, flower 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. The Vern says:

    Thank you Emmy for the fucking eponymous nomination. Too cool . I will get working on this soon but not right away. I would not want to have dinner with Mark Whalberg, Eminem and Will Smith. But this does sound like a good idea for a series. Random celebrities who don’t know eachother have dinner. I can see one where Cate Blanchett, Nikki Minaj, and Nancy Grace have dinner. Oh and one where Adam Sandler, Woody Allen, and Kevin Heart have dinner


    • emmakwall says:

      You’re so welcome Verny! (Jason)

      Oh come on! if I rang you up and said I’ve got Will Smith, Eminem and Mark Wahlberg coming round for dinner – you’d come!!! 🙂

      That is actually a great idea! I would love to see those dinner parties happen 🙂

      Who else would be cool guests?!


  5. Justine B. says:

    Thank you again Emma! You’re the best! Love all those answers too. So jealous you live in the UK and get to visit all these awesome cities! I need to get a passport and like a few thousand dollars saved up to see anything outside this country. That dinner party though! Eminem! I LOVE Marky Mark, holy shit. Love him. I think between him and Eminem though you might have a LOT of douchebaggery around one table hahaha. Favorite word: fuck. A favorite word should always be fuck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmakwall says:

      Fuck yeah!!!

      Haha, you’re welcome Justine you’re the best!!!!!! 🙂

      At least you have everything in the US though and so much space!!!! I’m always jealous about that, we’re pretty crammed in, in the UK. I wish we had the space of the USA 🙂

      Haha, ohhhh I love Eminem!! He’s a voice for the misunderstood teenager and pretty much the most comedic musician ever lol. If he hadn’t have been a rapper I think he should have been a comedian. I think Mark Wahlberg might be more trouble than him! (in a good way!!!!!!!!!)

      I’d happily get rid of any of them if you’d like to come instead?! 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the nomination lovely Ems💐🌷🌸 No Benedict Cumberbunny?😄 You’ve been everywhere! Tom and I really need to move to England ☺️


  7. vinnieh says:

    Congrats Emma and big hugs for the nomination. Is fuck really your favourite word? haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. newguy87 says:

    Thanks, i need to find more people to nominate me lol, can i just answer the questions?

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmakwall says:

      Yeah course you can 🙂 I love your answers!


      • newguy87 says:

        1. I tend to always like one song from a film, so i will go Treasure Planet because ‘ i’m still here’ is one of my favourites.
        2. no
        3 not much
        4. wolverine
        5. i like IMDB
        6. i will go blue with pitch black hair otherwise is doesn’t work
        7. Nope, but did love James Buckley in the pyramid complete scene stealer
        8. I guess Kavos 04 but i don’t really do holidays
        9. Bruce Campbell’s autobiography
        10. it gives me a chance to express my interests that i don’t with people i know.
        11. only when spread my reviews articles around


        • emmakwall says:

          I love those answers Dazza EXCEPT No.3 now what is that all about?! What about your brilliant blog and the fact you go to work every day even if you don’t feel like it. And you know everything about everything about films! And you have ambition and a great sense of humour.

          You have MUCH to be proud of Mister.

          I love your website choice 🙂 proper film buff!

          Kavos 04 sounds pretty fun to me!! And I’ll have to try reading your favourite book – wow!

          Liked by 1 person

          • newguy87 says:

            i don’t read many books lol, i am still in shock that on pointless they had question about famous Campbells and the clue was played Ash Williams in the original Evil Dead and somehow that was a pointless answer.

            while i am happy with my work i would like to have started to get a large audience by now, it has been over 18 months straight with daily posts, i need to break out so i can look to do this full time.


  9. Love all your answers Emma! I think your dinner party would be very interesting, not sure how Eminem’s manners would hold up! Also, great choices on the desert island front.

    Thank you so much for the nomination 🙂 I’m guess I do a similar post answering the questions and then nominate some blogs?


  10. theipc says:


    HAHAHAHA Number 8!!! : )))))))))))))))))

    Love Pen

    Liked by 1 person

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