The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters – Blogathon

I was so excited to be passed the baton for this really cool idea for a Blogathon. Thank you so much to the lovely Justine and her excellent movie blog for passing it over to me! (she has so many great reviews!)

It’s important to recognise the great women we have in film.

So here’s the rules: A list of 10 iconic female movie characters has been made. That list will be assigned to another blogger who can then change it by removing one character (describing why they think she should not be on the list) and replacing it with another one (also with motivation) and hand over the baton to another blogger. Once assigned, that blogger will have to put his/her post up within a week. If this is not the case the blogger who assigned it has to reassign it to another blogger. (as written by Dell on Movies – the creator of this idea)

Justine removed Maria Von Trapp and replaced her with Carrie White (nice decision!), so here’s the list as it currently stands –





rose-woodhouse clarice-starling





Okay, so my turn!

Ellen Ripley – deserves a place here forever.

Princess Leia – despite not being a Star Wars fan it’s easy to see this little minx does too.  

Marge Gunderson – might not be the most iconic but I reckon most film fans know who Marge is and there’s no way I’m being responsible for getting rid of her. Fargo is one of my favourite movies and Marge is so lovable. 

Scarlett O’Hara – absolutely iconic, even in image alone. Must stay for now. 

Rosemary Woodhouse – she may be the eponymous Rosemary but in a way, she’s not that different to many female leads in scary movies. Though I do like the film and have a major soft spot for Mia Farrow….contender to be deleted.

Clarice Starling – deserves a place here almost as much as Ripley. 

The Bride (Beatrix) – look I’ve seen what she can do with her Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, I’m not getting rid of her (nor do I want to!) 

Hermione Granger – as much as l love Hermione I don’t see her as much as a film icon as some of the entries. Contender to be deleted.

Bella Swan – you can’t argue the girl is iconic in a ‘everyone knows who she is type way’. However, a female icon who’s sole purpose of the story is to fall in love? If that’s the case we could just use Disney princesses couldn’t we? And don’t think I’m not tempted to (it would have been Ariel if I did <3). Hmmm. Contender.

Carrie White – love this entry and hugely iconic.

Okay this is a tough decision on who I’m going to delete but I’ve whittled it down to three – Rosemary, Hermione and Bella.

Okay so I’d never get rid of Hermione over Bella that would be treacherous! I’m a huge Harry Potter fan (enough said). But Hermione does display some very strong character traits such as her intelligence, bravery and loyalty. I’m sure Bella does too to some extent but I can’t get past the fact that ultimately, her main role in the film is to fall in love. I just think we can do better.

Hermione is definitely safe.

So, Bella or Rosemary?

Ultimately I’m going to have to get rid of Bella. In a way I think she’s more iconic than Rosemary but please, Twilight was made like five minutes ago and Rosemary’s Baby is almost fifty years old.

So I’m very sorry Bella and I have genuinely nothing against you or your Twilight family, but you are no longer on the list.

And who am I putting in instead?

Well, as I have the devil in me today (all puns intended) I am going to put forward Regan MacNeil. What?! I’ll be nice to see her smiling face on the list won’t it? And you cannot deny the girl is well known.


So now for my nomination. TOUGH DECISION.

I’m going to nominate Eric at The IPC because I know he loves females in movies. It would be rude not to! But please let me know if you’d rather not do it pal, because I can nominate someone else instead 🙂

About emmakwall

Films, books, soundtracks, good humour
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50 Responses to The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters – Blogathon

  1. Zoë says:

    AWESOME choice here lady, glad to see Bella go, gotta say. I don’t like that whiney girl.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. rgagne says:

    Alright, no Christmas gift for you for knocking my girl off the list!!! 😛 I thought I put up a good arguement for her being there and I think Justine was just being nice to me by keeping her through the first cut. You have a great choice and was someone I would have never thought of. Glad you had fun with it. 🙂


    • emmakwall says:

      Oh no! What about birthdays? 🙂

      Sorry I honestly have nothing against Bella, she just came down to the cut. Thanks very much! I did have a couple I would have quite liked to use but I thought she would be a good choice!

      It was a great idea 🙂 I really enjoyed it!!


  3. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters – Blogathon | Isaacs Picture Conclusions

  4. I just want to see them all fight.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. romeorites says:

    Michonne! Judge Anderson, Arya Stark. My goodness there are so many that I would want to add, so much so that I would have trouble getting rid of some.


  6. Reblogged this on By Hook Or By Book and commented:
    This is a great blogathon going around at the moment. Since my friend Emma is the current recipient of the tag, and I love her picks, I thought this would be a fun post to reblog. Thank you again Emma for not dumping Hermione! So does anyone have in thoughts on who they think should be added, and who should be dumped?


  7. Yes Bella had to go.


  8. theipc says:

    Lady = do i just copy and paste these pictures into a post?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Justine B. says:

    Wow you got this done fast! I figured Bella wouldn’t last long, haha. Great choice! I was considering Regan as well. Such a huge icon in horror cinema, even if some people only know her as “The Exorcist girl,” she’s still incredibly well known and remembered.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. theipc says:


    I’m on it!!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    • emmakwall says:

      Yay! Please don’t’ feel obliged though, I didn’t realise before but now I do realise some bloggers don’t like these things!

      I thought of you though…the word ‘female’….


      Liked by 1 person

      • theipc says:

        Not a problem at all, lady! My brain is really turning right now!



      • Thank God you didn’t get rid of Hermione! I never really applied the term icon to her, except for the last two movies. She’s a book and movie character I’ll never forget. Personally I’m glad you slashed Bella. I understand why she could fit the criteria, but I just can’t stand her. See! Now I’m grinding my teeth!

        Liked by 1 person

        • emmakwall says:

          I didn’t want to be churlish and get rid of Bella just ‘cos Twilight is shit’ haha 🙂 but I think it is a fair assessment!

          They’re a pretty cheap read in my opinion but I know I’m probably not the target audience.

          I wanted to nominate you too Kim could two people do it??


          • Oh good. So I’m not the only one who Stephenie Meyers writing sets their teeth on edge? I’d love to do this except I wouldn’t be able to complete my part for probably a couple of weeks. I’m behind on a Percy Jackson tag and I have my first ever author interview I’m preparing for. No I’m not hyperventilating. Okay. Maybe I might be a little. Maybe I’d better sit this one out and enjoy your posts on this one 🙂


Any thoughts?